I can't even believe it - She seems to be growing by leaps and bounds - SO BEAUTIFUL - a little too big for her britches in the SASSY department - but man it is great to have a little girl - it is like a little mini young lady in training - she just recently went to get an mani/pedi for the first time with her aunt Christi and her Grandmommy - she came back with red fingernails and toenails and her big toe had a little flower on it - Super cute - They also took her to starbucks and to bath and body works too so she was TOTALLY being SpOiLED ;) - and she LoVeD every minute of it.
I wonder what GREAT things God has in store for her life - She wants to be a teacher right now but that of course could change next week or even tomorrow :D
Things I want to remember about her at this very moment are She loves to sing (when no one is watching) She sings along with - her VBS cd from last summer - Hannah Montana - The Annie Soundtrack - High School Musical Soundtrack - and anything else she can get her hands on :D She loves to be CRAFTY -- she makes cards - paints - her watercoloring is SUPER FAB - and I love how she leaves me little notes all over the house - mostly NICE ones but there have been a few she wrote when she was upset with me She loves to CLEAN and ORGANIZE - better take advantage of that before she hits her teen years ;) She is very dramatic - and the majority of the time it is quite comical - except when I am trying to cook or am on the phone ;)