Monday, March 23, 2009

Home Again

Home again, Home again, jiggity jig

We made it :) We had a wonderful vacation. Only wish it was a week longer so we weren't GO GO GOING the entire time. I think we need a vacation from our vacation. The kids both ended up sick. Noah puked in my car (mostly on the throw he was using to snuggle up with) and Makenna doused the bathroom last night. Not sure if it was car sickness, bad food, or some sort of virus. They are both better today and unless someone pukes again, they will return to school tomorrow.

Planning to update with vacation details and photos later this week but for now I have to focus on my school work because, well school wasn't out last week but I was gone for 9 days. You do the math. ;)

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

What's been up?

I have been trying to be more productive by spending less time on the pc and more time getting things done. Thus the lack of blog posts. I am a little behind on school work, not really behind but I was trying to stay 1 week ahead due to our upcoming vacation and now I have resigned to turning in assignments on their due dates.

Yep, you heard me right! I said VACATION. We are heading south for that warm sunshine. First to Houston. I seriously {HEART} that city. Then to San Antonio. Lots of fun ahead! We have never taken the kids on vacation. We usually just take a week off and visit family or relax. But this year we have decided to spend two days in San Antonio and one full day at SeaWorld. Now if you know my children you will understand why this was an obvious choice for us. Noah has said that if he could go anywhere in the world he would go to Austraila and his second choice was SeaWorld in SanAntonio, and Makenna, well she just likes to GO and she loves her grandmommy so anything involving the two is perfect for her.

I can't wait but if you don't see me much for the next week just know that I am trying to get things in order for our trip.
Many Blessings