Friday, February 02, 2007

another day at home

ok this makes 3 days off from work
and while i am getting a few extra

things done - I SO need to get out

of the house for a bit -

The kids are doing much better

both have some congestion now

(not sure where that came from)

but they are still taking their meds

like little troopers --

Makenna was really missing school

today :( I assured her she will be going

back on Monday. Noah hasn't really said

much about it though he did declare the

following last night

"I don't need to go back to Public School.

You should just Homeschool me - All the

kids keep making me SICK"

it was quite funny - he is the type that

would be cool just hangin out with his

Momma all day - I am sure that philosophy

will be long gone in no time (he almost 8) but

I will hold on to it for as long as I can ;)

sharing another layout

this one is of my cutie pie nephew

(he is 2 now )

1 comment:

ashlee said...

cute cute glad you are all feeling better!