Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's My Birthday TOO!

They say it's your birthday
nana nana nana na
It's my birthday too
nana nana nana na

Yep today is my special day
and here are some others that celebrate
their special day with me.

(if an apple a day could make me as uber creative as she -- I would be all for it)

Jodie (Alicia) Foster

Meg Ryan (I just loved her in You've Got Mail)
Calvin Klein and Larry King too



Amanda Valentin said...

Happy Birthday Shawnna!! I hope you have a wonderful day! (it is my little brother's birthday today too.. he is 11)

~Mandi ~

Nicole Maki said...

Happy Birthday.

Hope you do something fun.

Anonymous said...

You say its your birthday, nanana nana, happy birthday to you!

Angela W said...

Happy (late) Birthday! Hope you had a great one! So how much do you like TSR? I was looking it over tonight and thought about joining. I like their stuff for November! Do you get the coffee with yours? Just wondered if it's plain or flavored.