Monday, September 27, 2010


This semester of the Nursing Program has me buried in PAPERWORK.
We are required to do PAPERWORK for our PAPERWORK. And just when we have handwritten all of our PAPERWORK, we then have a class over how to do said PAPERWORK, only to realize we have been doing it wrong and must start all over.

Okay now that I have gotten that off my chest I will REJOICE in today's tiny accomplishment. Today my PAPERWORK was turned in with time to spare. I am not saying it was absolutely 100% correct, but I did my best {insert me doing the happy dance here}.
We must celebrate the little things, right?!


kathy (from tsr) said...

Keep at it! it will pay off in the end! I never thought I would see the end of nursing school but that was over 19ys ago. I give you so much credit! I know how hard it can be and I didn't have kids at the time. You go!!!

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