Saturday, November 24, 2007


Thanksgiving may have already come and gone but tonight I am up late thinking of all the things I am thankful for

  • My HUSBAND (who I am still MISSING)
  • My children - all 3 of them - they have each taught me so much and changed my life in a profound way
  • How AWESOME God is and how He always provides for us
  • that Noah is feeling better - He was sick all day (stomach yuckies) but he is awake watching Kim possible at 12:15am so he must be feeling better ..... right?
  • singing Christmas Carol's in the car on Thanksgiving Day with the kids
  • that I am cancer free and getting stronger everyday

Who says Thanksgiving is only ONE DAY -- I would love to hang onto this grateful attitude all year long -- I am sure it might take a little work but it can be done


Anonymous said...

Miss you!! Hugs!!

ashlee said...

you hit the nail on the head with this one:) this is something I am going to try as well...we have SO much to be thankful for!