Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Friday 10-6 -- went to Weight Watchers meeting - lost 1.6 pounds - not bad - would have liked to loose more but i am not complaining - at least i lost and didn't gain -- rode 6 miles on my bike -- WOW -- making my total for the week 26miles

Saturday 10-7 my nephew stayed the night with Noah -- they played so well together - not one single disagreement -- HEATH WAS OFF of work - enjoyed having him home with us

Sunday 10-8 - heath bought shipley donuts -- can you say SABATOGE-- bought me two MAPLE DONUTS my fav -- i couldn't resist - after all if i didn't eat them they would go to waste -- no one else likes maple -- POINTS are RUINED for the day -- i couldn't even find out how to look up the point in the book -- THAT MUST BE A BAD SIGN ;)

Monday- 10-9 kids were out of school -- PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE DAY -- it went very well -- Makenna scored 100% on her bench mark tests and Noah wasn't very far behind her -- Teachers had nothing but positives to say about the kids -- WOW -- that is a GREAT FEELING -

Tuesday - 10-10 WORK -- came home with a little headache that turned into a migraine - went to bed at 6 pm and didn't get up until 6:30 the next morning -- OUCH

Wednesday - 10-11 WORK -- usual day -- made the kids chili dogs for diner and then realized i couldn't / didn't want to eat them -- the hot dog itself had 5 points - not counting the bun or the chili and cheese(the good stuff) -- :( -- i really wanted that darn CHILI DOG -- so i ended up eating 5 points worth of DARK CHOCOLATE hershey kisses -- i should have just eaten the freakin hot dog

also did a layout on Monday -- here is the link if you would like to check it out

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