Tuesday, August 22, 2006


wow -- how did it go from FRIDAY to TUESDAY so quickly -- i was really sad when the weekend was over and the kids were going back to school -- i am just not used to them BOTH being gone SO LONG -- i would homeschool them if they would agree to it -- just so i could be around them -- that would be selfish of me -- so NOPE i won't force them -- they love the SOCIAL aspect of school and they do really well academically so i can't really complain too much --

Started my NEW JOB and I am SUPER EXCITED -- I AM NOW Certified in CPR and FIRST AID again -- ;) -- i think after we get through the next week or two it is gonna be smooth sailing -- I know both of the teachers i will be working with -- that is great -- i think i would be NERVOUS if i didn't already know them --

Today i had a tuff moment with Noah -- BROKE MY HEART -- he asked if he would "grow out" of his tics ????? and my answer was -- well we don't know what will happen in the future - they probably won't ever go away completely -(his head dropped in disappointment)- but the good news is that MOST adults with Tourette Syndrome have fewer tics than when they were kids--- THEN -- he asked if it was a DISEASE -- OMGoodness -- it was all i could do to hold in the tears -- then i explained NO it wasn't a disease and that no one can CATCH IT from him -- but it was a genetic disorder and then we started talking about what genetic meant and DNA and a double helix -- then he wanted to draw a double helix so we looked it up on the internet -- anyway -- i said all this to say -- i think we ended on a good note but boy - there were a few minutes today that i just really wanted to fall to my knees -- So tonight i will be praying for my little boy -- and I ask you to do the same -- thanks :)


Anonymous said...

Great big hugs and some kleenex. What an awesome way to educate him and . You know what IS catching -your spirit!
I haven't shared all the awful possibilties of my 9 yo DD's syndrome with her - I just want to keep her innocent and carefree as long as I can, thankful it's not outwardly visible, and thankful for the medical science... But there really isn't a good time or an easy way to say it, ever, is there? You did great hon.

Anonymous said...

My Son has a genetic disorder called Neurofibromotis (NF) and he is starting to ask more questions too. It is heartwrenching. I will say a prayer for you!!